Insider trading is one of most debatable topics. Whether it helps or destroys the efficiency of the market remains a question. Recently, stock sales by executive and large shareholder in ChiNext Stock Market caused many controversies. By December, 2011, the total amount of the stock sales by the insiders( the executives and large shareholders)was more than 541 million shares. One of the most surprising events was the stock sales car- ried out by the executive of Lepu Medical on March 23ra, 2011. This event consists of a stock sale of 15 million shares of the firm, valued 409 million RMB. The executives and large shareholders are supposed to be highly moti- vated and passionate in this market which is d However, they chose to cash in their holdings, esigned to cultivate their fast growing and innovative enterprises. disregarding the finn's value, financial growth, performance and ownership structure. Are these actions a rational decision or not? Therefore, this paper attempts to study this abnormality with the following questions in mind: Are executives and large shareholders on the ChiNext market highly motivated toward their stock sales? What are the reasons be- hind their stock sales? What are the consequences of their stock sales? With an effort to solve these puzzles, this paper further examines whether insiders can earn abnormal returns by analyzing the immediate market reaction be- fore and after their transactions. By using cumulative abnormal return (CAR)model, we examine the returns before and after 15 days the stock sales, and, thus, the consequences of these stock sales can verified. In addition, we study the impacts of firm's financial performance, ownership structure, and market performance on these transac- tions. The model for examining these effects is also constructed. One of the improvements we made for this model is to use principal components analysis to construct indexes to comprehensively measure growth, profitability, cash generation and operating risk for each firm in the sample. We also incorporate event study into our design. We conclude with the following findings: First, the motivation of selling stocks by either executive or large shareholder is highly significant. Second, only the executives have better timing ability to sell their stocks, and their sales are negatively related to their firms' financial growth. Third, the abnormal return of stock sales by the ex- ecutives is higher than that by the large shareholders. The average 30-day cumulative abnormal return for executives and large shareholder are 2.46% and -0. 02% , respectively. Fourth, large shareholder stock sales are negatively related to their firms' financial growth and quality. Moreover, both of their sales are not affected by the current stock prices. Fifth, the top shareholders' holdings affect neither executive nor large shareholder sales. Lastly, both of their sales cause a decrease in the market value of their finns significantly, and the large shareholder's stock sales would cause a greater impact on the market( the CAR value dropped - 1.26% for executives and - 1.63% for large shareholders). The pattern of cumulative abnormal returns before and after 15 days of the stock sales follows an inverse "U" shape. These findings, confirmed with Kahneman's Prospective Theory, prove that when the execu- tives and large shareholders face enormous amount of returns that are relatively certain, they tend to be conservative about their choices which result in selling of their stocks. This shows that their preferences have been changed from risk-take to risk-averse. In response to these abnormalities, we give the following suggestions for policy considerations : First, lower the stock holdings of the executives before firm's initial public offering to reduce the chance and impact of their stock sales. Second, increase competition for control, forcing the executive and the large shareholder to restrict each other's stock sales. Third, limit the sales of executives and large shareholders by extending the lock-up period. Fourth, strengthen audit policies by emphasizing on the importance of firm's sustainable financial growth and per- formance. Lastly, develop a strict delisting mechanism to create greater pressure on the firms with an effort to im- prove their financial and managerial quality.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
insider trades
risk preference
ChiNext stock market