
模拟垂直潜流人工湿地大气复氧规律研究 被引量:7

Study on atmospheric oxygenation in simulate vertical-flow constructed wetland
摘要 为优化湿地设计、改善湿地处理效果,初步探讨了水力负荷、非饱和区运行距离、平均孔隙率和温度对湿地大气复氧量(DO)的影响,构建了垂直潜流人工湿地大气复氧模型。结果表明,垂直潜流人工湿地大气复氧量与水力负荷(q)、温度(T)负相关,与非饱和区运行距离(h)、平均孔隙率(ε)正相关;以不同浸润面高度运行时,大气复氧量可用DO=-1.035q+38.078ε+0.043h-0.115T-9.630表述;以变浸润线运行时,大气复氧量可用非饱和区运行距离复氧量的加权积分平均值表述。实测结果率定表明,该模型表述垂直潜流人工湿地大气复氧量合理可行。 In order to optimize the design of construct wetland and improve its treatment efficiency, the simula- ted vertical flow constructed wetland was established to investigate the effect of operation conditions on wetland at- mospheric oxygenation. The atmospheric oxygenation model of vertical flow constructed wetland was built base on the experiment results. The results showed that the atmospheric oxygenation quantity (DO) was positively correlated to unsaturated distribution distance (h) and average porosity value (ε), while negatively correlated to the hydraulic load (q) and temperature (T). When the vertical flow constructed wetland was operated under stable water level, the at- mospheric oxygenation model can be simulated by the equation of DO= -1. 035q+ 38. 078ε+ 0. 043h- 0. 115 T- 9. 630. However, when it operated in the mode of fluctuant water level, the amount of atmospheric oxygenation could be calculated as the average weighted integral value of the total oxygen amount during the unsaturated distance run- ning. The measured data calibration showed that the established model were reasonable and practicable for calculation the atmospheric oxygenation.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期31-34,共4页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2010ZX07320-002) 北京建筑工程学院校设科学研究基金资助项目(No.101200902) 上海市科学技术委员会攻关项目(No.06dz12311)
关键词 垂直潜流人工湿地 大气复氧 模型 vertical flow constructed wetland atmospheric oxygenation model
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