为探讨干扰素治疗慢性特发性血小板减 少性紫癜(cITP)的疗效及其毒副反应, 采用干扰素α-2a(3MIU i.m.每周1次,共8周)和强的松〔1mg/(kg·d),共4周〕分 别治疗20例 和28例cITP患者,并观察治疗前后血小板计数、骨髓涂片巨核细胞计数、免疫学指标、网织 血小板(RPs)百分率和绝对计数,以及巨核祖细胞集落数的变化。结果显示:干扰素治 疗 组的近期有效率(90.00%)明显高于强的松组(64.28%,P<0.05)。经治疗后RPs%降 低, 产板型巨核细胞百分率由11.43%升至33.19%,但各项免疫学指标无显著变化。结论:干扰素 是一 种治疗cITP的有效药物,而且毒副反应小。其作用机制可能与促进巨核细胞分化成熟及血小 板生成增多有关。
The efficacy and mechanism of interferon alpha-2a (IFN α-2 a) were assessed in the treatment of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (cITP). 20 patients with cITP (treatment group) were treated with IFNα-2a 3MI U i.m. once a week for 8 weeks; 28 patients with cITP(control group) were treate d with prednison e 1mg/(kg穌) for 4 weeks. Blood platelet counts (BPC), megakaryocyte number, immu nno logical parameters, percent and absolute counts of reticulated platelets (RPs) a nd megakaryocyte colony formation units were observed before and after therapy. The results showed that the efficacy of IFN α-2a was better than that of corti co steroid, P<0.05. The RPs% decreased and the plateletproducing megakaryocy te percentage increased from 11.43% to 33.19% significantly after IFN α2a th erapy, but there were no significant changes in immunnological parameters .These indicate that IFN α-2a is effective in treating cITP, the mechanism may be ba sed on promoting the megakaryocyte development and activating the production of platelets.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
四川省卫生厅科研基金!(课题编号 96300018)