
"Quasi-ColdWar" between China and the U.S.: Characteristics, Causes and China's Response

“Quasi-ColdWar” between China and the U.S.: Characteristics, Causes and China’s Response
摘要 After Chinese President Hu Jintao proposed the "establishment of a new big power relationship between China and the U.S." at the fourth Sino-U.S. Dialogue on Strategy and Economy, scholars began examining what form this relationship could take and how it could be established. But we must first understand the nature of the current Sino-U.S. relationship. Since the end of the Cold War, scholars have characterized bilateral relations using terms such as "neither hostile nor friendly, not at their best nor at their worst" and "marked by rivalry and cooperation." These descriptions cover the basic nature of the relationship, but they sound both simple and abstract. The relationship still lacks a precise definition. For example, China also maintains "neither hostile nor friendly" relations with other nations, such as Vietnam and Cambodia. Only through a meticulous analysis of the relationships can we grasp their nature and how they are different from other bilateral relations. The author believes that Sino-U.S. relations are moving towards some kind of "Quasi-Cold War" because of the U.S.' "Return to the Asia-Pacific." Sino-U.S. relations are moving toward "Quasi-Cold War." Various factors contribute to Sino-U.S. "Quasi-Cold War". China should actively deal with this kind of situation, which will continue in the future, to prevent "Quasi-Cold War" sliding into a new "Cold War."
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2013年第1期89-109,5,共21页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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