三效热原灭活剂为含二氯异氰尿酸钠、去污剂等成分的含氯复方消毒剂,原粉含有效氧不低于8.0%。对其水溶液杀灭微生物效果及腐蚀性进行了试验观察。以其含有效氯 300 mg/ L的溶液对悬液中大肠杆菌与金黄色葡萄球菌分别作用 1min与 5 min,以含有效氯 750 mg/ L该液对枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞作用 30 min,杀灭率均达 100%;以含有效氯 500 mg/ L该液作用 15 min,可将悬液中 HBsAg抗原性破坏。以含有效氯 400 mg/ L该液浸泡污染有细菌内毒素玻璃小管 45 min,可使其热原全部转阴性。杀菌作用因有机物存在而减弱。该剂含有效氯 1000 mg/ L的水溶液对不锈钢无腐蚀,对碳钢有中度腐蚀,对铜与铝有重度腐蚀。其粉剂装于塑料瓶中, 54℃下存放 14 d,有效氯含量平均下降率为 9.28%。
San Xiao Pyrogen Inactivator is chlorine-containing compound disinfectant conatining sodium dichloroisocyanurate, detergent and other ingredients. The original powder contains not less than 8.0% of available chlorine. The germicidal efficacy and corrosiveness of its water solution were observed experimentally. The killing rate of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in suspension exposed to its solution containing available chlorine 300 mg /L for 1 min and 5 min respectively and spores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger exposed to its solution containing available chlorine 750 mg / L for 30min attained 100%. Its solution containing available chlorine 500mg / L with a 15 min contact time could destroy HBsAg antigenicity in suspension. Immersion of small glass tube contaminated by bacterial endotoxin in its solution containing available chlorine 400 mg / L for 45 min could cause full negative coversion of pyrogen. Its germicidal efficacy decreased in presence of organic substance. Its water solution containing available chlorine 1000 mg / L was not corrosive to stainless steel, moderately corrosive to carbon steel and severely corrosive to copper and aluminum. The available chlorine content of its powder packed in plastic bottle decreased by 9.28% in average after storing at 54℃ for 14 days.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection
chlorine-containing compound disinfectant
sodium dichloroisocyanurate sporicide Bacillus subtilis var. niger Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus HBsAg bacterial endotoxin