
阜阳市手足口病患儿EV71型肠道病毒中和抗体研究 被引量:1

Study on Neutralizing Antibody of Enterovirus 71 in Fuyang Region
摘要 目的研究手足口病(HFMD)患儿的血清EV71型中和抗体指标。方法对安徽阜阳2008年4~8月因手足口病(HFMD)住院的患儿采集血样,使用中和试验方法检测EV71型中和抗体滴度。结果共收集到83人113份血清样本,对这些样本的中和试验研究发现:①EV71抗体阳性率在发病1~3 d时为96%,已接近抗体阳性率高峰值;②随着病程的进展中和抗体呈现从较低到高的动态分布,其几何平均滴度(GMT)为388.3;③重症病例的中和抗体GMT为367.2,低于普通病例的中和抗体GMT值(421.3),但差异无统计学意义。结论以中和抗体为主的体液免疫指标将为EV71型手足口病防治提供参考和依据。 Objective To investigate the neutralization indices of enterovirus 71 (EV71) in children with infected hand-foot- mouth disease(HFMD). Methods The serum samples were collect from HFMD children from April to June, 2008. The EV71 neutralizing antibody titers were tested with assay. Results A total of 113 serum samples were collected from 83 children. (1)the sero-conversion rate were 96% at 1 -3 days after symptom appcaring;(2)neutralizing antibody manifested a dynamic change from low to higher titer with the disease development, and the geometric mean titer(GMT) was 388.3;(~)the GMT of severe cases ( 367.2 ) was not significantly lower than that of mild cases (421.3). Conclusion The neutralizing antibody as a humoral immu- nity index may provide valuable information for understanding and control of EV71 HFMD.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2013年第7期1065-1066,共2页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
关键词 手足口病 EV71型肠道病毒 中和抗体 体液免疫 Hand-foot-mouth disease Enterovirus type 71 Neutralizing antibody Humoral immunity
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