目的 :探讨微量元素 Zn与食管癌的关系。方法 :用原子吸收分光光度计对食管癌组织中微量元素锌的含量进行测定。结果 :食管癌组织中 Zn含量明显低于癌旁正常食管组织和正常人食管组织中 Zn的含量 ,恶性程度高和有淋巴结转移的食管癌组织中 Zn含量明显降低。结论 :食管癌组织中 Zn含量的测定能反映食管癌的生物学行为 ,并能估计预后。
Objective:To protect the relationship between zinc(Zn)and esophageal cancer.Methods:The contents of Zinc in esophageal cancerous were measured with atomic absorption spectrophotometry.results:The content of Zn in cancerous tissues are lower than that in the corresponding normal tissues.The contents of Zn in the patients normal esophageal tissues are lower than those in the normal subject.The contents of Zn in cancerous tissues with worse histologic grading are lower,and the rate of lymph node metastasis is higher.Conclusion:The measurement of Zn contents in cancerous tissues can indieate the aggressive behavior of the malignant tumors and lymph node metastasis and predlc prognosis.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health