
土地整治项目区农用地质量分等方法的修正 被引量:44

Modified method for gradation on agricultural land quality in land remediation project areas
摘要 土地整治是改善土地利用条件,提高土地质量的有效措施。在农用地质量分等更新工作中,现有的分等体系不能反映出项目建设前后农用地等别的变化。该文探讨一种能反映出整治项目建设前后农用地质量等别差异分等更新方法。即:在原分等计算体系中,增加2级修正,选出受工程措施影响较大的、明显影响耕地自然质量的分等因素(地形坡度、地表岩石出露度、灌溉保证率、排水条件)和受工程措施影响较大的、明显改善土地利用条件的分等因素(田块规整度、田间道路、灌溉方式和排水方式),并以这些因素的变化确定建设后耕地利用水平修正系数。该文选取位于陆良县土地整治项目区中的14个点对提出的土地整治项目区耕地质量评定方法进行验证,结果显示:在14个监测点中,5个监测点自然质量提升了0.1等,其余9个点自然质量等未发生变化。14个监测点利用等均有提升,平均提升1.1个等别,最低提升0.5等,最高提升1.7等。14个监测点经济等均有提升,平均提升1.1个等别,最低提升0.4等,最高提升1.8等。从验证结果可看出:在农用地分等计算流程中增加耕地自然质量修正和利用水平修正系数作为土地整治项目建设后耕地质量评定的方法是可行的。 Land remediation is an effective measure to improve land-use conditions and land quality. In the updated work of gradation on agricultural land quality, the existing gradation system cannot reflect the changes before and after land remediation projects. The paper proposes a new gradation system that can reflect the land quality changes before and after projects. The new gradation system adds two times of modification to the original gradation system. The first is to select the engineering factor of land remediation that influences the physical quality, obviously to calculate the modified coefficient of physical quality. The factors include terrain slope, outcrops of surface, probability of irrigation, and drainage condition. The second, select the land use factors which influence the utilization quality to calculate the modified coefficient of land use. These factors include regularity of plots, roads in croplands, patterns of irrigation, and patterns of drainage. Then the paper analyzed land remediation projects in Luliang County to verify the new gradation system. It selected 14 points that lay in the land remediation project areas. The results showed that: 1) Physical quality. 5 of 14 points’ physical quality promoted a little, and the average promotion was 0.1 grades. The other 9 points did not change. 2) Utilization quality. Utilization quality of all the 14 points was promoted. The average promotion was 1.1 grades. The least was 0.5 grade and, the most was 1.7 grades. 3) Economic quality. Economic quality of all the 14 points was promoted. The average promotion was 1.1 grades. The least was 0.4 grade, and the most was 1.8 grades. It comes to a conclusion that: Taking the new gradation system of adding the modified coefficient of physical quality and the modified coefficient of land use to the original gradation system to be the gradation method for cultivated land in land remediation projects areas is feasible.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期234-240,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项项目"耕地等级变化野外监测技术集成与应用示范"(201011006)
关键词 土地利用 整治 分等 修正体系 项目区 农用地质量 land use consolidation grading correction system project areas agricultural land quality
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