
氮磷钾配施对枣园肥力及红枣生长、产量的影响 被引量:6

Effects of the Ratio of N:P:K Fertilizers on Soil Fertility,Tree Growth and Yield in Jujube Orchard
摘要 以5年生红枣园为研究对象,在氮磷钾施肥量一定条件下,研究不同时期氮磷钾肥的分配量对枣园土壤肥力及红枣树生长、产量的影响。结果表明,氮肥分配试验中,萌芽期施氮肥270 kg hm-2的土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾增幅最大,较花期、果实膨大期重施氮肥,碱解氮含量提高了15%和16%,枣树生长指标的综合效果最优、单株产量最高。磷肥分配试验中,果实膨大期施磷肥405 kg hm-2的土壤肥力效果最优、枣树树高、冠幅面积、茎粗、枣头长、枣头粗的增加量较缺磷处理分别提高12%、66%、19%、3%、168%,单株产量最高。钾肥分配试验中,萌芽期和果实膨大期施钾肥67.5 kg hm-2的土壤肥力最高、枣树生长指标的综合效果最优,其单株产量为1.46 kg plant-1,折合产量可达14650 kg hm-2,显著高于果实膨大期重施钾肥处理,较缺钾处理提高23%。萌芽期施纯N、P2O5、K2O肥270、135、67.5 kg hm-2,花期施纯N肥202.5 kg hm-2,果实膨大期施纯N、P2O5、K2O肥202.5、405、67.5 kg hm-2,对提高土壤肥力和产量,促进枣树生长发育效果最佳。 Under the condition of certain fertilization, a five-year-old Jujube orchard was used to study the effects of the ratio of N:P:K fertilizers on soil fertility and Jujube tree growth and yield in different periods. Results showed that the increasing ranges of soil organic matter, available Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium were the highest when fertilizing 270 kg hm-2 nitrogen in early bud stage. Comparing with fertilizing nitrogen in flower stage and fruit expanding stage, fertilizing nitrogen in bud stage could increase available nitrogen content by 15% and 16%, respectively. The comprehensive Jujube tree growth indices were the best and the yield was the highest. In phosphorus fertilizer experiment, the plant height, canopy breadth area, stem diameter, shoot length and shoot diameter of the tree which fertilized 405 kg hm-2 phosphorus fertilizer, increased by 12%, 66%, 20%, 3%, 170% than that of P deficiency treatment in fruit expanding stage, respectively. Both soil fertility and per plant yield were the highest. In potassium fertilizer experiment, the comprehensive Jujube tree growth indices were the best and per plant yield was 1.46 kg per plant. The yield reached 14650 kg hm-2 when fertilizing 67.5kg hm-2 potassium fertilizer, which was significantly greater than potassium fertilizer treatments in fruit expanding stage. Comparing with a lack of potassium fertilizer, the yield increased by 23%. The best fertilizing scheme for improving soil fertility, yield and fruit growth, was to fertilize pure N 270 kg hm-2, P2O5 135 kg hm-2 and K2O 67.5 kg hm-2 in early bud stage, fertilize pure nitrogen fertilizer 202.5 kg hm-2 in flower stage and fertilize pure N 202.5 kg hm-2, P2O5 405 kg hm-2 and K2O 67.5 kg hm-2 in fruit expanding stage.
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期660-666,共7页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2007BAD36B07) 新疆自治区科技厅支撑计划课题(201031103) 自治区科技厅条件平台建设项目(PT1009) 国家林业局重点推广项目(2010TK77) 自治区土壤学 森林培育学重点学科资助
关键词 氮磷钾配施 红枣 土壤肥力 生长指标 产量 N:P:K collocation fertilization Chinese Jujube Soil fertility Growth indices Yield
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