
马疱疹病毒1型gD基因主要中和抗原区原核表达载体的构建和表达 被引量:5

Construction of Prokaryotic Expression Vector of gDGene of Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 and Its Expression
摘要 根据GenBank上已发表的马疱疹病毒1型(EHV-1)和马疱疹病毒4型(EHV-4)gD基因序列,设计一对特异性引物。将扩增的EHV-1gD基因片段克隆至pET-30a表达载体,筛选获得重组质粒pET-30a-gD。经鉴定证明pET-30a-gD原核载体构建成功。将其转化入BL-21大肠杆菌中用IPTG进行诱导表达,并对培养时间、IPTG诱导浓度等培养条件进行优化,收集菌液进行SDS-PAGE检测,结果显示pET-30a-gD获得了高效融合表达,其表达的蛋白分子量约为29kD。Western blot分析结果表明,显示获得的融合蛋白与EHV-1/EHV-4阳性血清发生特异性反应,具有良好的免疫原性。 According to equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus type 4 (EHV-4) pub- lished on GenBank,a pair of primers were designed to amplify equine herpesvitus type 1 and 4 gD gene. The amplified EHV-1 gD gene passage was cloned into obtain recombinant plasmid pET-30a-gD.The appraisal pET-30a expression vector,which were screened to indicated that prokaryotic vector pET-30a-gD was successfully constracted,which were transformed into E.coli BL-21 and the induction expression was con- ducted by IPTG to optimize the culture conditions such as cultrure time,IPTG induction density.The bac- terial solution was collected to make SDS-PAE test.The result showed that there was the highest effective mixed expression in pET-30a-gD,whose protein molecular weight was about 29 kD.The Western-blot anal- ysis showed that there was pecular reaction between compromizing protein obtained and EHV-1/EHV-4 positive serum,which has a good immunogenicity.
出处 《新疆农业大学学报》 CAS 2013年第2期108-111,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University
基金 科技部-国家星火计划重大专项(2011GA890008) 新疆维吾尔自治区重大专项(2011130101-1-6)
关键词 马疱疹病毒 原核表达 GD基因 equine herpesviruses prokaryotic expression gD gene
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