Padmasambhava was an eminent monk from the 8th Century around the area of Udyana, India(in today’s Pakistan).As a Vajrayana master and a powerful devil fighter,he inherited the spirit of"the Sect of Indra Pudi",Indian Buddhist Vajrayana,and was well known for his supernatural powers and conjuring skills.In Tibetan Buddhism,Padmasambhava is addressed respectfully as Norben Rinpoche(Master of Criterion)。
Padmasambhava was an eminent monk from the 8th Century around the area of Udyana,India (in today's Pakistan). As a Vajrayana master and a powerful devil fighter, he inherited the spirit of"the Sect of Indra Pudi", Indian Buddhist Vajrayana, and was well known for his supernatural powers and conjuring skills. In Tibetan Buddhism, Padmasambhava is addressed respectfully as Norben Rinpoche (Master of Criterion), Guru Rinpoche (Great Master) and Urgyen Rinpoche (Master of Udyana).