Zou Guifen is a 46-year-old Tibetan lady.She lives in Meixing Town, Xiaojin County in Sichuan Province.For several decades,she has carried on the art of embroidery and knitting,and set her heart on preserving these handicrafts.She has successfully taught many friends the technique.The embroidery and knitting works in her collection, including 50 insoles,30 belts,and over 10 cross-stitch works,are all deemed classics of local folk culture.
Zou Guifen is a 46-year-old Tibetan lady. She lives in Meixing Town, Xiaojin County in Siehuan Province. For several decades, she has carried on the art of embroidery and knitting, and set her heart on preserving these handierafts. She has successfully taught manyfriends the technique. The embroidery and knitting works in her collection, including 50 insoles, 30 belts, and over 10 cross-stitch works, are all deemed classics of local folk culture.