
CPM领导理论三因素动力机制的情境模拟实验研究 被引量:16

A Scenario Simulation Experimental Study on the Dynamic Mechanisms of CPM Leadership Factors
摘要 CPM领导理论认为,中国领导行为的评价模式由目标达成、团体维系和个人品德三个因素构成。本研究采用2×2×2完全随机设计的情境模拟实验,探讨了CPM领导行为三因素之间的关系及其动力作用机制。结果表明:(1)领导行为三因素分别对下属的追随意愿、上司承诺、工作动机和领导满意度产生显著的正向影响;(2)在对下属行为态度产生影响时,个人品德的影响作用最大;(3)在目标达成和团体维系影响下属行为态度的过程中,个人品德发挥着增强型的调节作用。本研究验证了CPM领导理论的动力学原理,并为我国"德才兼备,以德为先"的选拔和任用标准提供了科学的理论支持。 The topic of leadership has attracted more and more re- searchers' attention from different perspectives. The effectiveness of leadership theory is based on certain culture contexts. Though researchers carried out a large number of empirical studies, people still can't get adequate understanding of the mechanisms of leader- ship. With traditional culture and modern culture integrating, people are more involved in questing what kinds of leadership will be more efficient, and how leadership functions in Chinese culture. CPM leadership theory was proposed in 1980s, which holds that the Chi- nese leadership behavior evaluation model contains three factors: "Performance achieving", "Maintenance" and "Character and moral". But the function of CPM leadership has never been studied through empirical method. Hence, the purpose of this study is to discuss the relation and dynamic impact mechanisms of CPM leadership that contains three factors. The scenario simulation experiment manip- ulated the three factors independently, and the dependent variables were subordinates' willingness to follow, commitment to supervisor, work motivation and leader satisfaction. A 2x2~2 completely ran- domized design was employed. The results indicate that (1) CPM leadership three factors had positive effects on willingness to follow, commitment to supervisor, work motivation, and leader satisfaction ; (2) When the CPM leadership predicts the subordinates' attitudes and behavior, Character and moral plays a more important role than the roles of Maintenance and Performance achieving; (3) Character and moral had reinforcement moderating effect on the relationship between "Performance achieving" and subordinates' attitudes and behavior, and the relationship between "Maintenance" and subordi- nates' attitudes and behavior. This study verifies the CPM leadership dynamic principle, reveals that how important the Character and moral of leaders are. As the basic standards of selection and appointment of leadership of our country is "to combine ability with character, character and moral first", Particularly emphasizes the importance of personal qualities of leaders. Thus this study gives a scientific theory support to the "Characters and Moral First" mechanism of selection and appointment of leaders. Research limitations and some ideas on future research were brought forth as well.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期16-25,共10页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71171096 70871053)资助
关键词 CPM领导理论 情境模拟实验 动力机制 增强型调节效应 CPM Leadership Scenario Simulation Experiment Dynamic Mechanisms Reinforcement Moderating Effect
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