

The Origin of Edgar Allan Poe’ s Fiction and Poetry
摘要 爱伦·坡在在小说和诗歌创作上取得了非凡成就,对世界文坛产生了重大影响,这与其天资聪颖、勤奋好学和语出惊人的自身禀赋密不可分,与其浓厚的美国本土意识也不无关联。但是,仔细审读其小说和诗歌创作,我们发现,坡在文学创作中,特别是在其推理小说、哥特小说及其诗歌创作中明显受到英国文学的多方影响。这种取法经典和转益多师的创作精神是其创作取得巨大成功并逐渐经典化的重要堂奥之一。 Edgar Allen Poe made extraordinary achievements in the creation of fiction and poetry, creating enormous impacts on the world literature. This was a result of his intelligence, diligence, the gift of making surprising comments and his American native awareness. Through a close reading of his fiction and poems, however, we have found that Poe, in his creation, especially his creation of tales of ratiocination, Gothic fiction and poems, was clearly affected by English literature in many aspects. It was his extensive study of the classics that made his works a huge and a gradually canonized success.
作者 朱振武
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期62-70,共9页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 爱伦·坡 英国文学 推理小说 哥特小说 经典化 Edgar Allen Poe, English literature, tales of ratiocination, Gothic fiction, canonization
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  • 1J. G. Kennedy, Poe, Death and the Life of Writing (Michigan Yale University Press, 1987), p. 156.
  • 2Wolfgang Bernard Fleischmann, Encyclopedia of World Literature (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1967 ).
  • 3朱利安·西蒙斯:《文坛怪杰--爱伦·坡传》,文刚、吴樾译,陕西人民出版社1986年版.
  • 4The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Po (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005), p. 12.
  • 5Ben Ray Redman, "Decline and Fall of the Whodunit", The Saturday Review, Vol. XXXV, No. 22, May 31, 1952, p. 8.
  • 6Julian Symons, Bloody Murder, From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History ( Hong Kong: Papermac, 1992).
  • 7奎恩编.《爱伦·坡集》.曹明伦译.北京:三联书店,1995年,第386页.
  • 8David Van Leer, "Detecting Truth : The World of the Dupin Tales", New Essays on Poe' s Major Tales, ed. Kenneth Silverman ( NewYork : Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  • 9G. K. Chesterton, A Defence of Detective Stories, The Art of Mystery Story: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Howard Haycraft ( NewYork : Biblo and Tannen, 1976).
  • 10Ian Scott-Kilvert, British Writers: Volume 111, Daniel Defoe to the Gothic Novel (New York: Charles Scribner' s Sons) , p. 324.









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