
磁开关作为脉冲驱动源主开关的实验研究 被引量:3

Experimental study on magnetic switch used as discharge switch of accelerator
摘要 使用矩形截面磁芯研制了一台磁开关作为脉冲驱动源的主开关,并利用电容器放电法对磁芯不同位置处的磁滞回线进行了测量。结果表明,短边和长边测量得到的磁滞回线均能够适应磁开关需求,不同的励磁位置对磁滞回线形状的影响有限。设计了基于该磁芯的磁开关,使用PSpice软件进行了数值模拟,结果与理论分析相一致。结合卷绕型带状脉冲形成线,对磁开关作为脉冲驱动源主开关进行了实验研究。结果表明研制的磁开关实现了主开关功能,在1.1Ω的低阻抗负载上获得了峰值电压9V、上升沿80ns、脉冲半高宽230ns的准方波脉冲输出。 A kind of rectangular cross-section, ferromagnetics magnetic core is selected to fabricate a magnetic switch used as the discharge switch of the solid-state accelerator. B-H curves at different locations on the magnetic core are measured with the pulsed capacitor method. Results illustrate that the properties of these cores are good enough for the utilization of the magnetic pulse compression and the shapes of theB-H curves on different sides of cores are similar. PSpice is employed to analyze the cir- cuit of the system including the magnetic switch used as the discharge switch. Results show reasonable agreement with the theo- retical prediction. Experimental research was carried out on the discharge switch driven by a roiled strip pulse forming line. A quasi square pulse with the peak voltage of 9 kV, and pulse duration (F.WHM) of 230 ns was obtained on low resistance load. The rise-time of the pulse was less than 80 ns.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1835-1838,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11075209)
关键词 脉冲功率技术 磁开关 主开关 磁滞回线 固态脉冲驱动源 pulsed power technology magnetic switch discharge switch B-H curve solid-state accelerator
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