
公平贸易理念对中国农业产业化中农户合作的启示 被引量:3

Implications of Fair Trade on Farmer Cooperation in the Context of Chinese Agricultural Industrialization
摘要 为促进我国农业产业化中农民合作的良性发展提供理论参考,借鉴国际公平贸易理念及经验,从公平贸易产生的背景出发,对公平贸易的运作与效果,以及在中国的实践进行了分析。同时,提出了如何借鉴公平贸易理念更好地发挥农业产业化中农民合作的作用。 To provide a theoretical reference for the virtuous development of farmers cooperation in agricultural industrialization, After learning from the international idea and experience of fair trade, by introducing historical background of fair trade, the authors analyzed the operation and effects of fair trade, and the practice in China. Meanwhile, the authors discussed on how to utilize the concept of fair trade to make the farmers cooperation perform a better role in agricultural industrialization.
作者 黄婧 向华
出处 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期194-198,共5页 Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家软科学研究计划"西部欠发达地区农业产业集群发展研究:以贵州为例"(2012GXS2D016)
关键词 公平贸易 农民合作 农业产业化 中国 fair trade farmer cooperation agricultural industrialization China
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