
CaO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-TiO_2渣系熔化性能实验 被引量:7

Experiments on the melting properties of CaO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-TiO_2 slag
摘要 含钛炉渣的研究往往关注于其对炼铁的影响,较少涉及精炼渣应用。为完善前人研究,确定TiO2对精炼渣系熔点的影响和促进含钛废渣的资源化再利用,通过实验和Factsage理论计算对CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2渣系的熔化性能进行了研究。实验以炉渣熔点为指标,考察了二元碱度、Al2O3和TiO2含量对渣系熔点的影响。3个因素的变化范围分别为:二元碱度4~7.9,Al2O3含量30%~45%和TiO2含量1%~7%。研究结果表明:二元碱度对渣系熔点的影响显著,其他因素的影响不显著;试验条件下该渣系最低熔点炉渣的二元碱度为6.6,Al2O3为35%和TiO2为5%,对应熔点为1 354℃;TiO2含量低于3%时,渣系液相区面积变化很小可以忽略,TiO2含量在3%~10%的范围,TiO2含量越高液相区面积越大。实验条件下该渣系的熔化性能能够满足炼钢精炼渣要求。 In order to promote the resource recycling of titanium contained in waste slag, the melting properties of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2 slag are studied through melting experiment and theoretical calculation by using thermodynamic software Factsage. The experimental index is the melting temperature of the slag, and the effect factors are binary basicity,the mass percent of Al2O3 and TiO2. The three factors' change range are as follows,binarybasicity 4-7.9,Al2O3 30%-45% and TiO2 1%-7%. The research results are as follows. The effect of binary basicity is significant, but other factors' effects are not. Under the experimental conditions, the optimal combination of the lowest melting temperature for the slag are binary basicity 6.6,Al2O3 35% and TiO2 5%,and the corresponding melting temperature is 1 354℃. While the content of TiO2 is lower than 3%,the liquid region area has little change and can be ignored. While the content of TiO2 is under the range of 3%-10%, the liquid region is larger when the content of TiO2 is higher. Under the experimental study conditions, the melting properties of this slag system can meet the requirements of refining slag in steelmaking.
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期51-55,63,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2007BAF08B01-03)
关键词 熔点 炉渣 TIO2 Factsage melting point slag TiO2 Factsage
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