目的 :观察种植体修复后1年内临床状况的变化 ,探讨种植体周围组织炎症及骨丧失的危险因素。方法 :以基台连接术后1~1.5月为基线 ,在修复体完成后3月、6月、1年对12名患者26颗种植体的52个位点进行检测。结果 :修复后1年时菌斑指数 (plaqueindex,PLI)、探诊深度(probingdepth,PD)明显低于基线水平 ;龈下菌斑中螺旋体比例(propotionofspirochetes,S%)很小(0.21 %~2.43%) ,总体上处于健康水平 ;平均骨丧失0.29mm ;所有种植体无松动、溢浓。炎症位点、有骨丧失位点的PLI、PD、S %高于健康位点、无骨丧失位点。结论 :定期复查对于维护种植体周围组织的健康是必要的。菌斑。
Objective: To investigate the changes of clinical status around dental implants during the first year after rehabilitation.And to explore the risk factors for peri-implant inflammation and bone loss. Methods:26 Branemark implants in 12 adults patients with loss tooth, were included in this study.Examination were carried out in total 52 sites in preinsertion period and again 3,6,12 months following rehabilitation. Results:Plaque index (PLI) and probing depth (PD) in one year after rehabilitation were lower than those in base line. The proportion of spirochetes in subgingival plaque (S%) was low (0.21%~2.43%) and in the normal level.The mean bone loss was 0.29 mm.None of the implants showed suppuration or mobility.PLI,PD,S% in sites with peri-implant mucositis or bone loss were higher than those in health sites or sites without bone loss. Conclusion:Regular reexamination is necessary in keeping peri-implant healthy.Plaque,deep pockets and spirocketes are the risk factors for peri-implant mucositis and bone loss.
Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
dental implantation osseointegrated periodontium