
后威权时代的埃及民主政治建构:回顾、反思与展望 被引量:9

Egypt's Democratic Political Construction in the Post-Authoritarianism Age:Review,Reflection and Prospect
摘要 穆巴拉克的无奈辞职从反面证明了威权政治在埃及的发展限度。在从威权向民主的政治过渡中,虽然权势庞大的军人集团试图继续维持自身的特殊利益和地位,选择性地支持民选议会和政府,但由于穆斯林兄弟会等民众基础深厚的伊斯兰党派的政治崛起,埃及客观上具备了民主政治建设所必须的社会分权这一前提要件,实际进展也令人鼓舞。只要通过街头抗议初步显示了力量的埃及民众能够捍卫住手中已经拥有的政治权利,代表着军队和宗教势力的两大集团间的权斗及妥协就是埃及政治过渡的最佳和最现实演进路径。契合埃及国情的分权式民主政治发展前景值得期待。 President Mubarak' s reluctant resignation has negatively proved the limits of the authoritarian politics development. Although the powerful military group has been supporting the elected parliament and government selectively in order to maintain their own special interests and status, Egypt has already had the premise element of sharing social powers in the democratic political construction objectively because of the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and other popular Islamic political parties in the process of Egypt' s political transition from authoritarianism to democracy. As long as the Egyptians can defend the political power they have got and give their ide- als a little time, the power struggle and the compromise of the two groups between military and religious forces are the best and most realistic way of political transition in the path of Egypt evolution. The democratic politics development shared by militarily and religiously is worth expecting.
作者 王猛
出处 《西亚非洲》 北大核心 2013年第3期48-65,共18页 West Asia and Africa
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"中国与中东国家关系研究"(11YJC770059) 国家社科基金重大项目"非洲阿拉伯国家通史研究"(10&ZD115)的阶段性成果
关键词 中东政治 埃及 政治过渡 军人集团 穆兄会 Politics in the Middle East Egypt Political Transition Military Group Muslim Brotherhood
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