
鹫峰地区QuickBird影像纹理特征与生物量估测关系初探 被引量:14

Study on the Relationship between Texture of QuickBird Image and Biomass Estimation in Area of Jiufeng
摘要 以北京鹫峰地区为研究区,探索QuickBird影像纹理特征与地上乔木层生物量间的关系。基于灰度共生矩阵纹理分析方法,按照不同窗口大小(3*3,5*5,9*9,15*15,21*21)分别提取QuickBird影像多光谱和全色波段的8个纹理特征值。利用皮尔森相关系数衡量纹理特征与地上乔木层生物量间的相关性,研究表明:多光谱波段的大多数纹理特征值与生物量的相关性很低,但是全色波段的大多数纹理特征值与生物量的相关性较高。相比之下,QuickBird多光谱波段和全色波段的光谱特征值与生物量的相关性都较低,这表明,QuickBird全色波段某些纹理特征值可能在提高生物量估测方面起决定性作用。 This paper used the data of QuickBird image to explore the relationship between texture features of QuickBird image and aboveground arbor biomass in J iufeng, Beijing. Based on the method of Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix(GLCM), according to the different window sizes(3 * 3,5 * 5,9 * 9,15 * 15,21 * 21), eight texture features of multispectral bands and panchromatic band of QuickBird image were extracted. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationships between texture features and aboveground arbor biomass. This research indicated that most texture features of the multiple spectral bands were weakly correlated with aboveground arbor biomass, but most texture features of the panchromatic band were significantly corre- lated with aboveground arbor biomass. In contrast, the spectral features of the multiple spectral bands and panchromatic band of QuickBird image were all weakly correlated with biomass. The findings implied that texture features of the QuickBird panchro- matic band might play a decisive role in improving biomass estimation.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期52-55,共4页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家863计划项目"数字化森林资源监测关键技术研究"(2012AA102001) 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20100014110002)
关键词 生物量 QUICKBIRD影像 纹理 鹫峰 biomass QuiekBird image texture Jiufeng
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