
体育锻炼能缓冲心理应激吗?——基于Hill7个方法学标准的评述 被引量:15

Does Exercise Buffer Against Psychological Stress?——Based on Methodological Review
摘要 调查显示,过去的几十年时间里,人们心理应激(心理压力)的水平显著性增加,心理应激已成为人类身心疾病发生的重要诱因,体育锻炼对身心健康的积极作用是否与体育锻炼缓冲心理应激的效用有关?体育锻炼真的能够缓冲心理应激吗?这些问题目前尚不清楚。本文拟采用文献资料法,逻辑归纳法,通过梳理国内外体育锻炼、心理应激以及健康之间关系的相关文献,以著名医学统计学家Hill提出的:研究效度的一致性、结果变量的相关性、环境作用的特异性、研究范式的时间顺序性、研究价效的生物性、研究结论的可信性、研究设计的实验性7个方法学标准对文献进行归纳和论证,结果表明:体育锻炼是有效缓冲心理应激的重要资源。未来研究应强调体育锻炼与心理应激之间的量效关系;注重研究方法的转型,从横断研究向纵向研究、实验性研究过渡,积极探索心理应激、体育锻炼以及健康之间的因果关系和内部机制,同时应拓展该领域的研究对象,更应注重对不同年龄,不同性别、不同文化背景以及心理应激"高危"人群的研究。 At present,evidence suggests that there is a positive relationship between exercise and health. However, whether this relationship is partly due to the stress--moderating impact of exercise has been less frequently investigated. Methods: this paper are based on a narrative review method. Specific criteria were taken into account to evaluate causality of the evidence. Results: exercise is one effective stress--buffer public health resource. More prospective and experimental studies are needed to provide insight into how much exercise is necessary to trigger stress-- buffer effects. In addition pay more attention on the dose--response between exercise and psychological stress Furthermore, more information is warranted to expand research subjects inclu- ding different ages ,sex, cultures and high - risk-- stress etc.
作者 尹剑春 季浏
出处 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期24-29,23,共7页 Sports & Science
基金 "青少年健康评价与运动干预"教育部重点实验室专项科研基金
关键词 缓冲 体育锻炼 方法学 心理应激 Buffer exercise methodology psychological stress
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