
神经干细胞研究进展 被引量:2

Recent Advance in Research of the Neural Stem Cells
摘要 本文简要叙述了神经干细胞的发现、研究与脑内移植的前因后果关系。回顾了脑内移植的历史。阐述了神经干细胞的特性、作用及应用前景。神经干细胞可由胚胎干细胞分化而来 ,在人脑中存在 ,可以分离、培养 ,己试用于中枢神经系统的某些退行性疾病 ,前景广阔。但也有不少问题尚未解决 ,离临床普遍开展还有一定的时日。 In this paper,the history,progress,ploblems and future of the neural cell transplantation were reviewed.The causes-effects relationship between the discovery of neural stem cells(NSCs) and their transplantation of brain was written.NSCs in the central nervous(CNS) may be derived,discovered,isolated and cultured from human blastocytes.The NSCs have been used in the treatment for some degenerative diseases of CNS.It can be firmly believed that NSCs will thiumph in the recent future,but the road leading to their clinical spread is revy long because of many unsolved problems.
作者 刘泉开
机构地区 江西医学院
出处 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 2000年第5期257-259,共3页 Modern Diagnosis and Treatment
关键词 脑内移植 神经干细胞 胚细胞 Brain transplantation Neural stem cells(NSCs) Blastocytes
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