
太阳能光电热系统换热器性能实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Research on Performance of Solar Energy Photovoltaic/thermal System in Heat Exchanger
摘要 设计了新型半圆管形式的不锈钢板式换热器,对其作为太阳能光电热综合利用一体化系统集热组件的性能进行实验研究。通过新型集热光电热组件及光电组件系统的对比实验,研究该光电热组件在重庆地区夏季应用情况,分析其光电和光热特性。结果表明:在以晴朗为主的天气,半圆管形式的不锈钢板式光电热组件电热系统的电热性能与光电组件系统的相比较,前者的太阳能电池输出功率提高约26.48%,热利用效率提高23.70%以上,新型半圆管形式的光电热组件整体光电热(光电+光热)综合效率可达到25.70%,有效提高了光电热系统的综合效率。新型半圆管形式不锈钢板式换热器的换热面积增大,提高了换热效率,为太阳能光电热综合利用一体化系统在重庆等太阳辐射强度较小地区的应用提供了参考。 A new kind of semicircle pipe-type stainless steel heat exchanger has been designed for solar energy photovoltaic/ thermal (PV/T) application system. The PV/T characteristics of the PV/T module utilized in Chongqing area are analyzed through the comparative experiment of new kind of PV/T heat collection module with PV module system. The results show that the battery output power of PV/T system made of the semicircle pipe-type stainless steel heat exchanger is larger than that of photo-thermal (PV) system 26.48%, and the efficiency of radiant heat utility is larger than that of PV system about 23.70% under sunshiny circumstance. The general energy efficiency (photovoltaic/thermal + thermal) of the PV/T reaches 25.70%. The new semicircle pipetype heat exchanger increases the thermal area and raises the thermal efficiency, which provides the instructive reference to the integrative application of the solar photovoltaic/thermal in the feeblish solar radiation area like Chongqing.
出处 《后勤工程学院学报》 2013年第3期58-62,89,共6页 Journal of Logistical Engineering University
关键词 太阳能利用 光电热 半圆管式换热器 转换效率 solar energy utilization photovoltaic/thermal(PV/T) semicircle pipe heat exchanger exchanging efficiency
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