应用Amplicor PCR试剂盒检测10例慢性丙型肝炎和3例慢性乙型肝炎病人血清HCV RNA,并对其中3例HCV RNA阳性者用INNO-LipA基因分型试剂盒进行分型。结果3例慢性丙型肝炎为HCV RNA阳性,基因型均为1b型。
Objective To detect the serum HCV RNA in patients with chronic hepatitis and determine its genotypes. Methods The serum HCV RNA was detected in 10 patients with hepatitis C and 3 with hepatitis B using Amplicor PCR box. Then the positive samples were genotyped by INNO-LipA genotyping box. Results Three patients with chronic hepatitis C were HCV RNA positive. Meanwhile, they were all genotyped as lb. Conclusion Amplicor PCR box has high specificity in detecting hepatitis C virus infection.
Infectious Disease Information