
设计类大学生自主学习倾向、学习满意度对学习绩效的影响研究 被引量:1

Research on Relationship between Self-directed Learning Readiness, Learning Satisfaction and Learning Performance
摘要 本研究通过关键行为事件访谈法、团体焦点访谈法,对国内6省市各大学设计类大学生进行访谈调研和编制问卷,并调研得到有效问卷500份。采用因子分析、相关分析、回归分析,实证分析了设计类大学生自主学习倾向、学习满意度与学习绩效间的相关关系。研究结果表明,自主学习倾向、学习满意度对学习绩效有较显著影响;同时,自主学习倾向与学习满意度的交互作用对学习绩效有显著正向影响。 This study investigates and interviews with students in art universities of six provinces in China by Behavioral Events Interview (BEI) and Focus Group Interview (FGI) and compiles related questionnaires. 500 valid questionnaires are taken back. The relationship among self-directed learning readiness, learning satisfaction and learning performance is obtained by factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The following results are obtained: art university students' self-directed learning readiness and learning satisfaction have significant effects on their learning performance; the interactions between different self- directed learning readiness and learning satisfaction have relatively significant influence on learning performance.
作者 赵伟军
出处 《湖南商学院学报》 2013年第2期117-123,共7页 Journal of Hunan Business College
基金 湖南省教育科学"十二五"规划课题<设计学科核心能力的评价与培育研究>阶段性成果(项目编号:XJK012BJM001)
关键词 设计类大学生 自主学习倾向 学习满意度 学习绩效 university students majored in design self-directed learning readiness learning satisfaction learning performance
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