
行政与法律:两种社会控制工具比较 被引量:1

Administration and Law: a Comparative Study of Two Tools of Social Control
摘要 传统行政学的理论研究舍弃了公共行政实践中的法律维度而片面地关注管理维度,这在一个追求"法治化"的国度尤其是中国,难以满足实践的需要。公共行政与同样作为社会管理和控制中介的法律手段之间的功能差异、优先地位以及两者之间的力量对比,成为构筑官僚制行政模式特质和价值取向的关键变量,也对行政改革发挥着巨大的影响。因此,对法律维度的研究有可能为解决行政法治化过程中的困难提供一些理论的前瞻和预见。 Traditional public administrative theory pays more attention to the managerial dimension rather than the legal dimension, which is difficult to meet the needs of management practice in China its pursuit of "the rule of law". As key variables, the functional differences, priority and balance of power between public administration and legal means, both of which are the intermediary tools of social management and control, shape the characteristics and value orientation of the bureaucratic-model administration, and also produce a substantive impact on administrative reform. Therefore, administrative theoretical research on legal dimension can offer foreseeing and antieipative wisdom to resolve some diffieuhies in the process of administrative rule of law.
作者 黄小勇
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2013年第2期25-29,共5页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
关键词 社会控制工具 官僚制 行政 法律控制 tool of social control bureaucratic system administration legal control
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