
民国时期中国留学生对美国汉学的贡献述论 被引量:1

The Contribution of Chinese Returned Students in the Republican China to the Sinology in the United States
摘要 民初以来,留学美国渐成热潮,一波接一波的中国学生乘风破浪奔趋美国。中国留学生的到来,对处于"荒村"阶段的美国汉学发展起到了不可忽视的作用。中国留学生对美国汉学的贡献主要表现在:他们积极为美国汉学界提供语言帮助,或承担教授汉语的工作,或担任美国汉学研究者的助手,帮助其翻译中文资料;他们在学习美国方式的同时,通过各种方式介绍宣传中国社会和文化,以增进美国人对中国社会和文化的了解;他们通过所撰的汉学博士论文,为美国汉学界提供了一批有学术价值的论著,与此同时其汉学博士论文还为美国汉学界带来富有价值的信息、材料,丰富了美国汉学家的知识,拓展了美国汉学研究者的视角。更为值得注意的是,美国非常注意汲取中国留美学生等知识移民所带来的关于中国的"奇异"知识及其提供的观点和方法。这也正是为什么在20世纪初还是世界汉学"荒村"的美国,到20世纪50、60年代即成为汉学重镇的原因所在。 Since the early years of Republican of China, study in the U. S. has become the trend of Chinese students. The arrival of Chinese students, which had played a significant role and influence to the “Deserted” phase of American Sinology. Chinese students contribution to sinology in the united states in the following: they provided language, help of for American Sinology, taught Chinese or helped the translation of Chinese data as the American Sinology research assistant; While learning the American way, they introduce Chinese society and culture to the united states through a variety of ways in order to promote the American social and cultural understanding of China; through Chinese doctoral thesis, they provided a number of academic works for Amer- ican Sinology; at the same time, they brought valuable information and materials for American Sinology, enriched the American Sinologist knowledge and expanded the American Sinology Research perspective through their doctoral dissertation of Sinology. Besides, the Americans was eager to learn China “strange” knowledge and ideas or methods. This is the reason why the “De- serted” phase of American Sinology in the early of 20th century had became the one of center in the world Sinology in the 1950s and 1960s.
作者 吴原元
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第3期1-7,共7页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"民国史家与美国汉学:以1940年代移居美国的中国史家为考察中心"(项目批准号:12CZS004)的阶段性成果
关键词 民国时期 中国留美学生 美国汉学 the Republican of China the Chinese students in the United States sinology in the United States
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