

The Difference of the Mode of Discourse between Comments on "A Dream of Red Mansions" and Jen-Chien Tz'u-hua and the Enlightenment for the Construction of Literary Theory in Today's China
摘要 《红楼梦评论》和《人间词话》作为王国维学术生涯中的两个经典学术文本,却存在着两种截然不同的学术境遇:前者因"以西套中"、牵强附会而遭人诟病,后者因"以中化西"、融通创新而为世人赞赏。这是它们"以西套中"和"以中化西"两种不同的言说方式造成的,其深层原因乃是王国维由先前过分倚重西方的哲学思想来阐释中国文化和文学问题到后来自觉地融通中西,甚而回归中国传统思想文化、以中化西的学术思维的根本转变。必须以其前后期不同哲学美学思想的形成和架构为切入点,方能深入探求上述两种言说方式差异形成的根本原因。当今中国学术界特别是当今中国的文论建设,亦处于一种"西化"(现代化)和"本土化"(民族化)的焦灼张力之中,通过对上述王国维两种不同的学术言说方式的转变的研究或许能为当下中国学界尤其是中国文论的现代性转换提供一些有益的启示和可资借鉴的经验。 Comments on “A Dream of Red Mansions” and Jen- Chien Tzh-hua have two different academic confrontment com- pletely as the two classic academic texts in Wang Kuo-wei’s academic career. The former was blamed for its “ Western culture suiting China” and farfetched (irrelevant) comparison but the latter was highly praised for its “ China Is digestive absorption of Western culture” and innovation,which resulted from the different mode of discourse that “Western culture suiting China” and “ China’s digestive absorption of Western culture”. The underlying reason is the fundamental transition of Wang Kuo - wei's aca- demic thought that from the previous excessive reliance on applying Western philosophical thought to interprate Chinese culture and literature to merging Chinese and Western culture consciously, even returning to traditional Chinese thought and culture. Only through Wang Kuo-wei’s formation and constructure of different philosophical thought in his earlier and later period can We ex- plore the fundamental reason of the two different mode of discourse coming into being profoundly. The current Chinese academic circles especially the construction of todayg Chinese literary theory also lies in a kind of anxious tension beween “Westernization” (Modernization) and “Localization” (Nationalization). We may provide some useful enlightenment and advisable experience for the current Chinese academic circles especially for the modern transformation of todayg Chinese literary theory from the transition of Wang Kuo-weig different mode of academic discourse.
作者 李安光
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第3期21-26,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 王国维 《红楼梦评论》 《人间词话》 言说方式 中国文论建设 Wang Kuo-wei comments on “A Dream of Red Mansions” Jen-Chien Tztt-hua the mode of discourse the con-structure of Chinese literary theory
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