采用MSC Nastran与传动CAE分析相结合的全新技术,对某商用车桥主减总成进行轻量化设计.使用子结构法从MSC Nastran中提取差壳、减壳和桥壳等壳体的刚度矩阵与节点位置信息,在传动CAE分析软件中建立整桥仿真分析模型并进行柔性分析,即可得到考虑差壳、减壳和桥壳等壳体实际刚度的锥齿轮安全因数,将分析得到的数据作为边界条件导入有限元模型中,为差壳、减壳等壳体的轻量化仿真分析提供新的思路,使减重达到15%且满足强度要求.
Lightweight design for main retarder assembly of commercial axle is performed based on the new technology which can unite MSC Nastran and transmission CAE analysis. A simulation model of the entire axle is established in the transmission CAE analysis software and the flexible analysis is performed in which the retarder, differential, housing stiffness matrix and the information of point position is extracted with the method of sub-structure of MSC Nastran. The finite element analysis of main retarder assembly is realized in which the data from transmission CAE analysis software is imported into the finite element model as boundary conditions. Both of the bevel gear's safety factors can be obtained considering the actual retarder, differential and housing stiffness. A new method is provided for the commercial axle main retarder assembly lightweight design, by which the lightweight is 15% of the total amount and meanwhile satisfying the strength can meet the requirements.
Computer Aided Engineering
lightweight design
finite element
flexible analysis on transmission