
Utilization of Starch to Accelerate the Growth of Degrading Microorganisms on the Surface of Natural Rubber Latex Films 被引量:1

Utilization of Starch to Accelerate the Growth of Degrading Microorganisms on the Surface of Natural Rubber Latex Films
摘要 NRL (natural rubber latex) films with 0 (control) and 10 phr sago starch loading were buried in compost soil for 4 weeks. The biodegradation assessments were carried out through films WVT (water vapor transmission) and mass loss. Scanning electron microscopy was carried out to identify and monitor the properties of rubber degrading organism colonies. Results showed that incorporation of sago starch increased the formation and rates of propagation for microorganism colonies on NRL films with duration of biodegradation. The results also indicate the mechanism of sago starch granules utilization as sole source of energy for microbial growth. The behavior and characteristics of microorganisms involved in NRL films degradation also successfully discussed.
出处 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第2期137-144,共8页 化学与化工(英文版)
关键词 NRL sago starch MICROORGANISM biodegradation. 生物降解薄膜 微生物生长 西米淀粉 天然橡胶 膜表面 扫描电子显微镜 乳胶 水蒸气透过率
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