
Economic Impact of Renewable Generation on the Cost of Energy Supply

Economic Impact of Renewable Generation on the Cost of Energy Supply
摘要 This article presents an analysis of the economic impact of non-dispatchable generation on the cost of the energy supply. It aims to analyze the economic impact of the renewable generation in Spanish production and thus to help prospective investors in renewable generation projects to analyze the situation of the Spanish electricity market. With that target, the current situation in Spain is shown and then using a MATLAB program, the economic impact of the renewable generation on the Spanish daily is analyzed.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第3期465-471,共7页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
关键词 Adjustment services access tariff feed-in tariff PREMIUM daily market intraday market cap and floor. 可再生能源发电 能源供应 经济 成本 MATLAB程序 西班牙 电力市场 发电项目
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