
Spring Wheat Disease and Yield Responses to Nitrogen Fertilization and Chemical Treatments

Spring Wheat Disease and Yield Responses to Nitrogen Fertilization and Chemical Treatments
摘要 P. tritici-repentis, B. graminb and C. sativus are important diseases of spring wheat in Estonia. Field trials were carried out during 2006 and 2008 in JiSgeva PBI. Two kinds of treatments were used: Tl consisted of four different rates of basic fertilizer: NO = NOPOK0; N1 = N60P13K23, N2 = N 100P22K39; N3 = N140P31K54 kg ha^-1. T2 treatment consisted of same rates of basic fertilizers and in addition growth regulator, fungicides and leaf fertilizers. Seeds of the varieties "Monsun" and "Vinjett" were untreated. Results of the effects of fertilizers on the infections of fungal diseases on spring wheat monoculture revealed that test years had the biggest influence on infection intensity of B. graminis (REy = 50.7-59.2) in T1 and T2 and P. tritici-repentis in T2 (REy = 31.6), whereas infection of C. sativus was more dependent on year in Tl (R2y = 37.3). Yield correlated highly with a fertilizer rate and year. In the treatment T2, the yield depended more on weather conditions (REy = 40.7) and in T1, the yield was more dependent on fertilization rate (REF = 60.2). We found TI to be more economic as the optimum N rate varied from N60 to N100 kg hat and the benefit in monetary terms raised from 297ε hal ("Monsun" 2007) to 9056 hal ("Vinjett" 2008). In T2, N rate 60 kg ha^-1 raised the monetary benefit from 806 ha^-1 ("Monsun" 2007) to 731ε ha^-1 ("Vinjett" 2008). The highest economic profit was gained by using low rates of fertilizer for "Monsun" and the highest rates of fertilizer for "Vinjett".
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第4期290-296,共7页 农业科学与技术(A)
关键词 WHEAT N fertilizer chemical treatment P. tritici-repentis B. graminis C. sativus grain yield 小麦病害 氮肥用量 化学药剂处理 产量 植物生长调节剂 小麦白粉病 感染强度 基础肥料
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