A geomagnetic observatory was established at Karachi (geog coord: 24.95°N, 167.14° E), Pakistan in 1983 which comprised of AMOS-Ⅲ (Automatic Magnetic Observatory System). In 2006 SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) planned to upgrade the old observatory of Karachi in order to qualify it as an IMO (Intermagnet Magnetic Observatory). Dr. Jean Rasson agreed to give support and assist us in the upgradation. BGS (British Geological Survey) provided a complete observatory instrument setup. Due to perturbations traceable to the increased urbanization, the observatory has been shifted to a site "Sonmiani", 80 km north-west of Karachi, where long term protection from cultural noise is offered. This site in a sparsely built research complex was selected after a magnetic survey. A new observatory has also been established at Islamabad (geog cord: 33.75° N, 72.87° E) which is mountainous region. SUPARCO purchased new equipment for the establishment of new observatories. Plan of upgradation of observatory at Quetta is also under consideration in order to improve the monitoring of geomagnetic field on the western part of Pakistan. Repeat station work has been done for the northern part of Pakistan with the collaboration of IRM, Belgium. The obtained results also compared with the global geomagnetic model (IGRF).