
环境因素对儿童体力活动影响的综述 被引量:7

A Literature Review of the Relationship between Children's Physical Activity and the Environmental Factors
摘要 总结分析了近些年关于儿童体力活动和环境因素关系的研究,从娱乐环境、交通环境和社区环境三个方面进行分析,着重对比了各篇文献的共同点和差异性,为今后从环境因素方面增加儿童体力活动量提供理论依据。 This paper analyzes research work being done in recent years into the relationship between children's physical activity and the environmental factors which include the recreational environment, the transport environment and the local conditions. By comparing the similarities and differences between works in this field, I hope to provide some valuable information for future research on increasing children's physical activity.
作者 王哲
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第2期151-155,共5页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 环境因素 儿童体力活动 娱乐环境 交通环境 社区环境 environmental factors, children physical activity, recreational environment, the transport environment, the local conditions
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