
从病例谈小柴胡汤的临床运用 被引量:3

Application of Xiaochaihu Decoction combined with case analysis
摘要 小柴胡汤为临床广泛应用的名方,运用得当则疗效显著。笔者结合颈椎病、崩漏两则验案,从证候特点、体质、病史等几方面探讨该方运用要点。在把握证候特点时,既要全面掌握《伤寒论》中有关小柴胡汤证的描述,更要深入体会证候之内涵,探明其背后机理,并善于捕捉具有典型意义的症状或体征。在辨证分析时,要结合患者自身体质特点,判断不同临床表现在本次发病中的诊断价值。最后还要详细询问病史,分清先后缓急,主次因果,全面把握病情。 Xiaochaihu Decoction is a classic and famous prescription.If it could be used properly, significant curative effect can be gained. The author list two cases combining with syndrome characteristics, constitution, medical history to discuss the key application of Xiaochaihu Decoction. In grasping the syndrome characteristics,we need to get a thorough grasp on small bupleurum decoction syndrome description in Treatise on Febrile Diseases, but more importantly, we should dig deeper into connotation of syndrome, reveal the mechanism behind, and be good at capturing the typical symptoms or signs. In the dialecticalanalysis, We need to judge diagnostic value of diseases which manifest different clinical feature. Finally we also need to enquire the detail medical history, set priorities, and fully grasp the illness.
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1784-1786,共3页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 小柴胡汤 颈椎病 崩漏 Xiaochaihu Decoction Cervical spondylosis Metrorrhagia
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