
远程医疗在现代急救医学中的应用研究 被引量:5

Applications of telemedicine in modern emergency medicine
摘要 远程医疗作为有利于偏远地区患者的一种诊疗方式,目前已应用于急救医学领域。它使得不同区域和机构间的医务人员交流更便捷,也实现了急危重症的诊断、户外抢救与信息服务的一体化,从而使抢救成功率和患者的生存质量得以提升,因此成为危重症领域新的急救模式。而在抢险救灾、紧急救援、反恐维稳、境外值勤等重大或突发事件中,远程医疗还承担着极端状态下的医疗保障任务。 Telemedicine benefits patients living in remote regions and is currently being applied in emergency medicine. It enables medical professionals from different areas and institutions communicated with each other more conveniently, integrates the diagnosis of critical care, outdoor emergency treatment and the information for emergency service, thereby improves the successful rescue rate and the life quality of patients as a brand-new first aid mode of critical care. Furthermore, telemedicine undertakes the medical task under the extreme conditions in vital or emergent events including disaster relief and emergency communications, antiterrorist and stable maintaining, overseas duty, etc.
出处 《中华危重症医学杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2013年第3期3-6,共4页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine:Electronic Edition
关键词 远程医学 急救医学 信息交流 Telemedicine Emergency medicine Communication
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