
市场结构、市场绩效与企业的创新行为——基于中国工业企业层面的面板数据分析 被引量:67

Market Structure,Market Performance and Innovation Behavior——Based on the Panel Date of China’s Industrial Firms
摘要 本文基于新产业组织学中SCP分析范式,采用2004~2007年中国规模以上工业统计数据库,利用Tobit模型对影响企业研发强度的因素进行了实证分析。结果发现,企业规模和市场集中度与研发强度之间存在显著的倒U型关系,这意味着在一定范围内,规模的增长和竞争的加剧是有利于创新的。从企业产权特征来看,与其他所有制相比,股份制和有限责任制企业的创新投入激励要更大些,而国有企业和私人企业则无明显差异。此外,企业的市场份额越大,其研发积极性也更高,这表明研发具有一定的规模经济。除了市场结构对创新投入影响外,市场绩效也影响着企业的研发强度,其中,企业的利润积累能促进研发支出,且研发支出也随新产品产值比重的提高而增加。最后,基于上述研究结论,本文就如何鼓励企业创新提出了一些政策建议。 Following the SCP framework and using firm-level data of China's large and medium-size industrial firms from 2004 to 2007, this paper aims to empirically explore how market structure and performance affect R&D density. Since R&D investment is truncated, we use Tobit model for econometric estimation. We find that R & O density has a significantly invert- ed U-shaped relationship with firm size and market concentration. This implies that within a certain range, increasing firm scale or competition will encourage R & D activities. Ownership is also an important factor. While the dummies for joint-stock and limited-liability companies have a significant positive contribution to R&D investment, the effects for state-owned and pri- vate enterprises are not significant. Our analysis indicates R&D scale economy since the firms with larger market share have stronger R&D incentives. Besides market structure, market performance also affects R & D density, for example, either the accumulation of profits or the increase of output value ratio of new products will promote R & D expenditure.
作者 寇宗来 高琼
出处 《产业经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期1-11,110,共12页 Industrial Economics Research
基金 复旦大学985三期项目(项目编号:2012SHKXQN005) "卓学计划" 上海社科项目(项目编号:2010BJL003) 国家社科重大项目(项目编号:11&ZD073)的科研资助
关键词 研发支出 市场结构 市场绩效 企业规模 市场集中度 R&D expenditure market structure market performance firm scale market concentration ratio
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