
菌根围效应及其作用机制研究新进展 被引量:3

Recent Advances in the Study of Mycorrhizospheric Effects and Functioning Mechanisms
摘要 菌根围(mycorrhizosphere)是指菌根真菌侵染植物根系形成菌根共生体与土壤紧密相互作用的微生态区域。菌根围内复杂的生理生态过程及其所产生的效应,即菌根围效应(mycorrhizosphere effect)对植物、土壤、其他生物及其生态系统具有举足轻重的作用和影响,长期以来人们给予了众多的关注。文章简要回顾了菌根围研究的发展历程;分析了菌根围的生理生态效应与机制、探讨了影响菌根围效应的因素及其调控途径;最后介绍了菌根围研究法;指出了今后研究发展动向,旨在为进一步深入研究菌根围及其应用提供依据和基础。 Mycorrhizosphere is a microecological region formed with the close interactions between mycorrhizal rootsand soil. Mycorrhizosphere effect contributed by complicated physiological and ecological processes in mycorrhizosphere significantly influence plants, soil, other organisms and ecosystems, and have been paid more attention to. In this review, the present authors first retrospect simply the development history on mycorrhizosphere investigations, analyze mycorrhizospheric physiological and ecological effects and its functioning mechanisms ; discuss factors influencing mycorrhizosphere effects and their regulating pathways; and finally introduce the study methods of mycorrhizosphere effects, and point out the future research trends, in order to provide bases for further intensive study on mycorrhizosphere effects.
出处 《青岛农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第4期241-246,共6页 Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金(31272210) 青岛市科技计划基础研究项目(12-1-4-5-(14)-jch)
关键词 菌根 丛枝菌根 外生菌根 菌根真菌 菌根围 菌根围效应 mycorrhiza arbuscular mycorrhiza ectomycorrhiza mycorrhizal fungi mycorrhizosphere mycorrhiz-ospheric effect
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