

Minimally invasive treatment in early rectal carcinoma
摘要 单纯放疗和局部切除联合放疗已经成为早期直肠癌根治性切除术可接受的替代治疗方式。与根治性手术相比,单纯放疗和局部切除联合放疗都可取得满意的疗效,并且避免了根治性手术所带来的多种并发症和不良反应,能够提高直肠癌患者的生活质量,是值得推广的治疗方式。 Radiotherapy alone and local excision combined with radiotherapy have been alternative treatments of early rectal carcinoma resection. Compared with radical surgery, both radiotherapy alone and local excision combined with radiotherapy can get satisfactory effect, and prevent the high rate of complications and adverse reactions, which will improve the quality of life for patients with rectal carcinoma and should be recommended.
作者 窦雪 王仁本
出处 《国际肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2013年第5期370-372,共3页 Journal of International Oncology
关键词 直肠肿瘤 放射疗法 局部切除 Rectal neoplasms Radiotherapy Local excision
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