

Structure and properties of metallocene polyethylene from gas phase pilot plant
摘要 对比评价了中国石油兰州化工研究中心在气相法聚乙烯中试装置上生产的茂金属聚乙烯中试产品(牌号为PC 1827 H)及美国Exxon公司和中国石油大庆石化公司产品(牌号分别为3518 CB,18H 20 DX)的结构与性能。结果表明,三者具有相近的结构参数,但PC 1827 H中高支化无定形级分质量分数和长弛豫时间处的弛豫强度均高于3518 CB和18 H 20 DX;分别采用PC 1827 H和18 H 20 DX吹膜时,二者薄膜性能相差较大。 The structure and the properties of different metallocene polyethylene resins were evaluated and compared, including PC 1827 H obtained from gas phase pilot plant of Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, 3518 CB obtained from Exxon Corporation and 18 H 20 DX obtained from Daqing Petrochemical Company, PetroChina. The results showed that the three samples had similar strutture parameters. The mass fraction of higher branched amorphous fraction and relaxtion strength at long relaxtion time of PC 1827 H were higher than those of 3518 CB and 18 H 20 DX,and the film properties of PC 1827 H were different from those of 18 H 20 DX.
出处 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2013年第3期204-206,共3页 Petrochemical Technology & Application
基金 中国石油天然气股份有限公司资助项目(项目编号:0704 A 14-12)
关键词 茂金属聚乙烯 弛豫谱 结构与性能 metallocene polyethylene relaxation spectrum structure and property
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