目的总结小儿肠套叠的CT影像表现,探讨其对临床处理的指导价值。方法回顾性分析经空气灌肠或手术治疗证实的106例小儿肠套叠的CT平扫影像表现。结果小儿肠套叠的CT征象具有特征性,CT诊断肠套叠可靠;空气灌肠复位成功83例(78.3%),空气复位失败经手术治疗复位23例(21.7%),空气灌肠复位成功与不成功的病例CT表现有一定差异。结论 CT平扫在小儿肠套叠的诊断及指导治疗方面具有良好的临床应用价值。
Objective To analyze CT findings of intussusception in children,explore the guidance value of unenhanced CT scan for clinical treatment. Methods Retrospective analysis the CT findings of 106 Children’s intussusception cases, which confirmed by enema or operation. Results Children’s intussusception carries some characteristics on CT;CT in the diagnosis of intussusception is reliable. Air enema reduction was successful in 83 cases (78.3%) and no successful in 23 cases (21.7%), which CT findings has a certain degree of difference . Conclusion Unenhanced CT scan in the diagnosis and guiding treatment of Children’s intussusception have great clinical value.
The Medical Forum