

On Modern Production and Dissemination of Knowledge Under the Rule of State/science Complex
摘要 20世纪以来,知识与权力及资本紧密结合并日益受到后者的操纵,国家/科学复合体殖民了社会的一切公共领域。国家权力在科学划界、科学知识生产的形式和规模、传播和评价等方面起着决定性的作用,并直接影响着当代知识异化的深度和广度。知识向自由的回归是当代知识人最深层的渴望。 Since the 20th century, with the integration of two has been increasingly subjected to the manipulation of th nized nearly every c science, in the form affecting the depth orner the public intellect e latter. er plays ion, and alienatio and scale of scientific knowledge product and breadth of contemporary knowledge there still is a strong desire to release the fetters on intellect. with power and capital, the former The state/science complex has coloa decisive role in the demarcation of in its popularization and evaluation, n. Yet for the modern intellectuals,
作者 姚国宏
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期74-78,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"话语 权力与实践"(10YJC710073)的阶段性成果 "江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目"成果之一
关键词 国家 科学复合体 权力 科学划界 知识生产 知识传播 知识异化 state/science complex power demarcation of science knowledge production knowledge dissem-ination
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