
基于实验的住房市场信息披露对二手房价格的影响 被引量:4

Effect of information disclosure on resale housing trading price based on experimental method
摘要 文章在分析现实二手房市场交易过程与特点的基础上,设计和组织了3组二手房交易实验,基于实验数据研究了住房市场信息披露对二手房价格的影响。研究表明:加大住房市场信息披露会降低二手房价格的波动程度,披露公开信息和私人信息分别会使二手房交易价格的波动程度降低18.5%和75.5%;住房市场信息披露对二手房价格波动的平抑作用要经过2~3轮交易之后才显现,具有一定的滞后性;最后提出了相关建议。 Based on the analysis of the process and features of resale housing trading, three groups of resale housing trading experiments are designed and organized. Utilizing the experimental data, the effect of information disclosure on the resale housing trading price is explored. The findings include that the enhancement of information disclosure will reduce the fluctuation of resale housing trading price; public information and private information disclosure can reduce 18. 5 % and 75.5 ; of the fluctuation of trading price separately; while the stabilizing effect of information disclosure on the trading price lags two to three trading rounds. Finally, the corresponding suggestions are given.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期621-624,共4页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71073096)
关键词 二手房 信息披露 交易价格 双向拍卖 理论均衡价格 resale housing information disclosure trading price double auction theoretical equilibrium price
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