
降钙素原、CD64和CRP检测在感染性疾病诊断中的价值 被引量:16

Application value of procalcitonin,CD64 and C-reactive protein in diagnosis of infectious disease
摘要 [目的]通过检测感染性疾病患者的降钙素原(PCT)、CD64、C反应蛋白(CRP)水平,探讨其在感染性疾病诊断中的应用价值。[方法]将实验对象分为细菌感染组、病毒感染组和对照组,分别检测其PCT、CD64、CRP水平。[结果]细菌感染组PCT、CD64、CRP水平明显高于对照组,病毒感染组仅CRP高于对照组。细菌感染组中PCT、CD64、CRP的阳性率高于对照组,分别为59.5%、76.2%和52.3%,病毒感染组CRP阳性率高于对照组,为47.6%。CD64在ROC曲线下面积最大。[结论]PCT、CD64水平在细菌感染性疾病中的改变较CRP特异,CD64作为感染性指标的诊断价值最高。 [ Objective ] To active protein (CRP) in the diagnos explore the clinic applications of procalcitonin(PCT) , CD64 and C-re- is of infectious disease. [ Methods] Patients with bacteria and virus infection were divided into two groups:bacterial and viral. And people receiving health examination were al- located into control group. PCT, CD64 and CRP were detected seperately in each group. [ Results] PCT, CD64 and CRP were higher in bacterial infection group than those in health group, while only CRP was higher in viral infection group than that in control group. The positive rates of PCT, CD64 and CRP were higher than control, which were 59.5%, 76.2% and 52.3%, and only the CRP was higher in bacterial infection group with the rate being 47.6%. The CD64 ROC curve had the largest area of square under. [ Conclusion] PCT and CD64 are more specific than CRP in bacterial infection disease. CD64 is a Very valuable indication in the diagnosis of bacterial infection disease.
出处 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2013年第5期272-274,共3页 Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 感染性疾病 降钙素原 CD64 C反应蛋白 Infectious disease Precalcitonin CD64 C-reactive protein
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