

Study on ESP Specialty Literacy
摘要 专门用途英语(ESP)是掌握语言应用能力的成功之途,它正逐渐成为高校大学英语教学研究的中心工作。ESP不仅教授专业语言特征,更关注学习者特有的专业需求,因此有着明确的语言教学方法。然而,这一传统优势正受到越来越多的各种ESP专业性概念的威胁,这些概念更趋向于一般认识上的读写能力。ESP专业性应包括能适应教学目的,掌握特定学科与职业群体读写能力的教学。 ESP has become the core of College English teaching because it has its distinctive approach to language teaching with emphasis on both specialty language and the learners’specialty.However,this strength is increasingly threatened by various ESP concepts,which tend to focus on general literacy.The paper holds the idea that ESP specialty should be the teaching that meets the educational objectives and trains the literacy ability for specific discipline and occupational groups.
作者 贾萍
出处 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第3期58-61,共4页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 苏州工业园区服务外包职业学院2011年度校级科研项目(ky-xjy112)
关键词 专业性 言语社团读写能力 语言变体 学科类型 specialty language community literacy language varieties disciplinary genres
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