
钠钾镁钙葡萄糖注射液(乐加)用于小儿手术中静脉补液的临床观察 被引量:3

Effects of Sodium Potassium Magnesium Calcium and Glucose Injection on Pediatric Intraoperative Blood Glucose
摘要 目的观察小儿术中分别采用乐加(sodium potassium magnesium calcium and glucose injection)和葡萄糖注射液进行静脉补液时患儿血糖浓度的变化情况,为小儿术中补液寻求更为安全、方便、合适的晶体溶液.方法选择ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,年龄为0-6岁的择期手术患儿40例.手术时间选择不超过2h且无较多失血者,随机分为乐加注射液组(E组)和葡萄糖注射液组(C组).两组均采用静脉复合麻醉.分别于输液前即刻、术后1h和术后2h监测患儿血糖水平.结果 E组患儿血糖浓度波动小于C组,两组间有显著差异(P〈0.05).结论小儿术中输注乐加注射液不仅能快速、持久为患儿提供必需能量,而且对血糖水平影响小,是小儿术中理想、安全、合适的静脉补液选择. Objective To compare the effects of volume replacement with sodium potassium magnesium calcium and glucose injection and glucose injection on pediatric intraoperative blood glucose.Method 40 ASAⅠ-Ⅱ pediatric patients aged 1-6 years old were randomly divided into experimental group(group E,n=20) and control group(group C,n=20).Group E was infused with sodium potassium magnesium calcium and glucose injection while group C was infused with glucose injection.Arterial blood glucose was measured before infusion,1 hour and 2 hours after infusion.The operative time was not more than two hours and intraoperative blood loss was less(small).Result Blood glucose concentration fluctuated in group E less than in group C.There were significant differences between the two groups(P〈0.05).Conclusion Sodium potassium magnesium calcium and glucose injection can not only provide energy,but also have litter effect on blood glucose in pediatric operation.
出处 《中国血液流变学杂志》 CAS 2013年第1期90-91,102,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hemorheology
关键词 乐加 血糖 小儿手术 静脉输液 sodium potassium magnesium calcium and glucose injection blood glucose pediatricsurgery intravenous infusion
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