目的对比分析X线和CT在腕关节外伤中的诊断效能.方法对比分析22例腕关节外伤患者的X线、多层螺旋CT成像资料.结果22例共发现29处骨折,骨折部位以舟状骨多见(19/29).X线及CT明确骨折分别为19处和29处,两者骨折检出率比较具有统计学意义(P〈0.05).结论 X线及CT作为腕关节外伤的主要检查手段,能较好地明确骨折有无及对骨折部位、形态等进行观察,CT在骨折的显示方面明显优于常规X线.
Objective To comparatively analyze the X-ray and CT diagnostic efficacy in wrist trauma. Methods The X-ray and 64-slices CT imaging data of 22 cases with wrist trauma were analyzed.Results Among all the 29 fractures,there were 19 in scaphoid.Fracture was revealed with X-ray in 19 and with CT in 29.There was significant difference of revealed capacity between conventional X-ray group and CT group(P〈0.05).Conclusion X-ray and CT can effectively revealed the wrist fractures,but CT is superior to X-ray.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology