

Infant growth velocity of preterm in Kunshan City
摘要 目的了解0~12月龄婴儿分娩孕周对身长变化率与体重变化率的影响。方法基于2002-2012年昆山市淀山湖镇妇幼保健信息数据,排除其他因素后共纳入1 405例婴幼儿。出生体重与身长来源于出生证,12月龄身长与体重由主检医师测量并记录。采用一般线性模型比较身长变化率与体重变化率在出生孕周之间差异,同时调整相关协变量,给出身长变化率与体重变化率的修正均数。结果调整相关协变量后,早产、足月产、过期妊娠组修正后身长变化率分别为(2.5±0.1)、(2.1±0.0)、(2.1±0.1)cm/月,随孕周增加而呈现下降趋势,早产组明显高于足月产及过期妊娠组;修正后体重变化率分别为(0.6±0.0)、(0.6±0.0)、(0.5±0.0)kg/月,不同孕周组间差异有统计学意义,且随孕周增加而呈下降趋势。各组婴幼儿长至12月龄,未发现其身长、体重间存在统计学差异。结论早产儿在出生后呈现快速的生长,至12月龄身长与体重与足月产婴儿相当。 Objective To estimate influences of gestational age at birth on fetal length gain and weight gain of infants in the first year. Methods Data were collected based on women and children health care information in Dianshanhu Township during 2002--2012. There were total 1 405 infants enrolled this study~ records of birth weight and length were came from birth certifi- cate. Physical examination was conducted to measure the body size at 12 months by profeccional health workers. General linear model were used to compare the inter-relations between length gain and weight gain and gestational age at birth, adjusted means were calculated on the base of modulate covariates. Results Adjusted monthly height gain in an average in groups of an- te-, term-, and post-natal (in centimeter per month) were 2.5±0. 1, 2.1±0.0, and 2.1±0.1, respectively. It was shown that the height gain decreased with the increasing of gestational age, groups of ante-natal were significant higher than groups of term- and post-natal. Additionally, covariates analysis showed that adjusted means of weight gain (kg per month) in groups of ante-, full-term and post-natal were 0.6± 0.0, 0.6±0.0, and 0.5± 0.0, respectively. It was found that statistical signifi- cances existed among groups of different gestational age, and weight gain decreased with the increasing of gestational age, while no statistical differences were shown as infants development after birth to 12 months. Conclusion Infants born pre-term for gestational age appeared rapidly growth velocity in the first year of life after birth, but there were no differences between prenatal and term natal growth after birth to 12 months.
出处 《江苏预防医学》 CAS 2013年第3期30-32,共3页 Jiangsu Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 婴幼儿 体重变化率 身长变化率 生长速率 孕周 赶上生长 infant weight gain height gain growth velocity gestational age catch up growth
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