
临床常见肠道细菌感染及耐药分析 被引量:4

Infection and Drug Resistance Analysis of Common Clinical Intestinal Bacterial
摘要 肠杆菌属、枸橼酸杆菌属等在使用三代头孢菌素治疗期间会产生耐药性,因此原本敏感的菌株可能会在使用抗菌药物治疗3~4日时产生耐药性,抗菌药物的滥用已经发展成为一个影响人类健康和用药安全的社会问题。我国临床抗菌药物的使用状况不容乐观,药物滥用情况较西方发达国家要严重的多,细菌耐药性是困扰全球医务工作者的难题。正确选用抗菌药物不仅可以保证抗感染治疗取得良好的疗效,而且能减少其不良反应,延缓细菌耐药性的产生。 Enterobacter、 Citrobacter will generate drug resistance during the treatment by using the third-generation cephalosporin,therefore,original sensitive strains may generate drug resistance after using antibiotic treatment for 3~4 days.The abuse of antibiotic drug has developed to a social issue that affect human's health and medication safety.The situation of using clinical antibiotic drug in our country is not optimistic,and more serious than that in western countries,which means the problem of bacterial resistance trouble the medical personnel in the whole world.The correct use of antibiotics can not only ensure the effect of anti-infective therapy,but also to reduce the adverse reactions and delay the occurrence of bacterial resistance.
出处 《中国实用医药》 2013年第13期13-14,共2页 China Practical Medicine
关键词 肠道细菌 药敏试验 超广谱Β-内酰胺酶 多重耐药 Gut bacteria Drug sensitivity test Extended-spectrum beta-Lactamases ESBLs Multi-drug resistance
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