
世居海平面以下地区人群的生理特征 被引量:2

Physiological Characteristics of the Residents for Generation under Sea Level
摘要 目的吐鲁番盆地是我国海拔最低(最低处为-154.3米)平均大气压最高的地区。本研究旨在探明生活在海平面下地区人的生理特征和低海拔富氧自然环境对血氧饱和度的影响。方法采用非概率抽样法。样本取自新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番盆地的托克逊县,地处海平面以下30~60米处的夏乡世居维吾尔族和汉族人。通过调查问卷、体格检查和生化指标测定获取被研究人群的人口学资料和生理、生化特征数据。结果被调查维吾尔族572人(男性/女性=238/334),汉族90人(男性/女性=33/57),分别占当地维、汉族总人数的16.3%和18.0%。结果表明:①维吾尔族男、女性身高明显高于汉族人,P值分别<0.0001和等于0.000;②该地区世居人群平均血氧饱和度与生活在海平面上常氧环境人群的血氧饱和度相近,变化范围在95%~100%,无民族差异。存在个体差异和性别差异,女性平均血氧饱和度略高于男性;③汉族男性空腹血糖异常率和血浆尿素氮、高密度脂蛋白水平明显高于维吾尔族男性,分别为57.3%vs 37.0%(P=0.023),6.36±1.58μmol/L vs 5.78±1.34μmol/L(P=0.028)和1.56±0.30μmol/L vs 1.44±0.24μmol/L(P=0.019);④调整年龄后,维吾尔族女性体重、BMI和腰围都大于汉族女性。结论初步结果表明,生活在低海拔富氧地区人群的平均血氧饱和度与生活在海平面上常氧环境下人群的平均血氧饱和度无差异,但都存在个体和性别差异。维吾尔族男、女身高都高于当地汉族,表明与遗传因素相关。 Objective To evaluate the physiological characteristics of the residents for generation and to examine the effect of natural oxygen enrichment on percentage of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin. Methods All of participants were recruited by non - probability sampling from Xia country of Toksun county in Turpan Basin,located at altitude 30 - 60 meters under sea level. All data were obtained from each person by the questionnaire and standard examinations. Results A total of 572 subjects( M/F = 238/334) from uygur and 90 subjects( M/F = 33/57) of HaM Chinese were recruited,which covered 16.3% and 18.0% for uygur and HaM Chinese in total population in this region, respectively. The results showed that ( 1 ) Height of both males and females in uygur nationality was higher than that in HaM Chinese(P 〈 0. 0001 and P = 0. 000) for males and females, respectively. (2)There was a range of variation with 95% - 100% SaO2 among individuals. Average SaO2for population at low altitude - enrichment oxygen natural condition was identical to the SaO2 at altitude above sea level - normal oxygen condition and there was significant difference in individual and sex. The averge SaO2 in females was a little higher than that in males. (3) The prevalence of high blood glucose, high UA and high HDL - C were higher in HaM Chinese males than those in uygur males, with 57.3% vs 37.0% ( P = 0. 023 ) ,6.36 ± 1. 58μmol/L( P = 0. 028 ) and 1.56 ± 0. 30μmol/L vs 1.44 ±0. 24μmol/L(P = 0. 019), respectively. (4) After age being adjusted, the weight, BMI and waist in uygur females were larger than those in HaM females. Conclusion The preliminary data showed that the height of both males and females in uygur was higher than that in HaM Chinese, which might be associate with genetic factors. An averge SaO2 in both populations was identical to that in populations at attitude - normal oxygen condition above sea level, and there was a difference in individual and sex.
出处 《医学研究杂志》 2013年第5期41-45,共5页 Journal of Medical Research
基金 "十一五"国家科技支持重点项目(2006BAI19B07) 医学分子生物学国家重点实验室特别基金资助项目(2060204)
关键词 吐鲁番盆地 世居人群 生理特征 血氧饱和度 Turpan Basin Residents for generation Physiological characteristics Percent of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin( Sa02 )
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